Kotaku: The New Lego Star…

Kotaku: The New Lego Star Wars Is Impressive And Surprisingly Different

If a hands-off theater demo of a new video game can over-deliver E3, then Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga sure did.
The amount of changes I was shown to the 20-year-old Lego video game formula was startling.

The standout change is the camera angle. We were only shown the open-world portion of the game, but even there the change is pronounced. The camera is closer in and behind-the back, with the character pushed in much closer than usual, similar to how you’d view you the action and the character you’re controlling in a Gears of War game. The camera is controlled freely with the analog stick. This angle will also be used in the game’s levels.

Combat now involves light attacks, heavy attacks and force moves, allowing for more complex fighting and button combos

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